Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Called in sick after finding myself with a sore throat and a cough. Breakfast: leftover chicken tom kah, hot water. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs chopped salad with pinquito beans, avocado, and radishes. Watched Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series part 6 on purchased DVD with Patrick. Dessert: Patrick made a bread pudding, half with nectarines, half with boysenberries. We ate the boysenberries half with whipped cream today. After that we watched The Comedy Lineup: P1:E1: Michelle Buteau (excellent) and P1:E2: Ian Karmel (okay—not really to my liking) on Netflix instant watch. Late snack 1 of 2: leftover salad. Tried playing Obduction after not playing it for over a year and found that my saved game was missing. Could be that I hadn't played it since getting a new MacBook Pro, but I had thought that it saved the game state to the cloud with Steam. I spent a few minutes seeing if there was a way I could restore from backup files but gave up after being unable to figure it out. Late snack: tortilla chips slow-cooked in coconut oil, water. Realized that Steam for Mac now quits when you ask it to. Yeesh.