Monday, July 2, 2018

Breakfast at home: plain yogurt with boysenberries and diced nectarine, water. Rode Uber Pool to UCSF Laurel Heights. Styling work: tabbed interfaces. Published a news story for Katherine K. Lunch: leftover souvlaki, water. Met with Eric, Susie, Kim K, and Cindy about a new web project to describe for students and prospective students examples of weeks throughout the various years in our new curriculum. Styling work: tabbed interfaces. Rode UberX to SoMa. Met Patrick for couples counseling. Rode UberX to the Castro. Dinner with Patrick at Thaihouse Express: chicken tom kah, ginger chicken pad king, jasmine rice, hot tea, ice water: $36.89 before a $7 tip. Rode UberX home. Recharge Medical work: editing content. Late snack: tortilla chips slow-cooked in coconut oil, water.