Saturday, April 21, 2018

Continuing cold symptoms, day 26. Patrick prepared breakfast for me: two eggs scrambled, hash browns, toast with butter, two sausage links, 8 ounces of orange juice, hot water. Installed a double towel bar in the bathroom following the installation of a new bathroom wall cabinet. Weeded in Contacts on my MacBook Pro. Joined a nap with Patrick. Folded laundry. Lunch: a small bowl of oatmeal with diced granny smith apple and cinnamon, hot water. Napped again. Rode UberX to the Castro, met Patrick at Dog-Eared Books then dined at Fable: ricotta-stuffed tempura squash blossoms to share, duck breast with chanterelles and potatoes for Patrick, roast chicken breast with forbidden rice and yellow wax beans for me. Dessert: we shared a roasted nut bread pudding (walnut, pecan, and almond) with whipped cream. Beverages: a glass of red wine for Patrick, san pell with the meal, and coffee with cream for both at dessert. $138.13 after a $22 tip. Walked in the Castro some before riding UberX home. Watched Superstore s3:e20 on Hulu Basic Plan with Patrick.