Friday, April 20, 2018

Continuing cold symptoms, day 25. Worked from home day. Susie agreed the team could work from home due to 420 Day to avoid traffic. Breakfast: scrambled egg and cheddar on english muffin, chai tea latte. Patrick returned from New Orleans. Spent the day following up on four tasks: (1) whether to act as intermediary for identity/branding for the creation of scientific posters, (2) evaluating systems of rsvp (aka invitations) for Eric, (3) edits following Don K's title change, (4) investigating feasibility of standardizing email signatures. Lunch: yesterday's leftovers from Perilla, hot water. Dinner at home with Patrick: I prepared leftover pizza and shells and cheese from a box with peas, sausage, fines herbes, fromage blanc, and thickly shredded sharp cheddar. Alta Palla to drink. Watched clips on YouTube with Patrick on the TCL Roku television. Performed Keychain Access surgery on Patrick's MacBook Pro in an attempt to resolve a problem with macOS asking for credentials even after being asked to remember a password. Late snack: hot water, plantain chips.