Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Had trouble sleeping last night. Continuing cold symptoms, day 17. Breakfast at home with Patrick: oatmeal with fixins, chai tea latte. Rode Muni 66 to 44 to 1 to UCSF Laurel Heights: 52 minutes door to door. Found that my ID card had fallen out of my badge holder, so I reported it lost and the police department deactivated it. A few minutes later I got a call that it had been turned in, so I asked the police department to reactivate it. Spam management: lately since (I believe?) doesn't accept messages anymore and instead of unsubscribing I have been choosing to update my profile then replacing my email address with the email address of someone who recently spammed me. Since they are verifying who I am before the update procedure by sending me a link in email, I think it's much harder for them to figure out what I'm doing and mitigate or prevent it. I know this method doesn't work perfectly, but I feel it's better than doing nothing. Web edit for UDAR. Web edits for Renslo and Arkin. Styling work: 90-degree image credits. Lunch at desk: leftovers. Errand: groceries at Bryan's. Rode Uber Pool home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs chicken tikka masala except their spicy sauce removed and a non-spicy one substituted. Exhausted due to poor sleep from last night.