Thursday, April 5, 2018

Continuing cold symptoms, day 11. Rode Uber Pool Express to UCSF Laurel Heights. Descreened an image in Photoshop for Paula for a news story. Chatted with Ronde about letterhead for Burlingame. Troubleshot problems converting a Word document to PDF such that it includes hyperlinks and correct fonts and all images. Continued CodePen experiments in css: flexbox, grid, and more. Updated the CP orgchart for Erika. Rode Uber Pool Express home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs beef barbacoa tacos with tomatillo salsa, Alta Palla, a glass of red wine for Patrick. The salsa was not spicy this time. Today Patrick introduced to our home a new kind of Kleenex box. It's a cylinder about 7.5 inches tall and about 3 inches in diameter. It's made mostly of cardboard with a little bit of plastic in the top rim. Kleenex is pulled from the top. I find it cute.