Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Continuing cold symptoms, day 9. Breakfast at home: Patrick prepared greek yogurt with diced orange, banana, and pear with pepitas, cinnamon, and honey; hot water. Rode Uber Pool Express to UCSF Laurel Heights. Styling work: resolved a problem in ucsf_pharmacy_webedit in which bullets and numbers were not appearing in lists in the wysiwyg. HTML email work: resolved too little padding-left on lists. Lunch at desk: leftovers. Lots of styling work and task followup. Rode Uber Pool Express home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs chicory salad with chicken, blood orange, and avocado—modified to use mixed greens instead of chicory (which is too bitter for me) and ranch dressing instead of vinaigrette (because it irritates the corners of my mouth). Vacuumed and cleaned in the kitchen. Dessert: one scoop each of Humphrey Slocombe honey graham ice cream. Began using for DNS on my work laptop and the MacBook Air media server. We'll see how it goes.