June 2014
Summary: DrupalCon Austin ends, Schlitterbahn, Gristmill Restaurant, Blush Party, biked at Sawyer Camp Trail
Dates on this page
Sun Jun 1, 2014
No breakfast. Gym: elliptical trainer, stretching. Checked out the rooftop pool—a great view, but you can see only east. Unusual stainless steel pool. Today Richie set up UCSF Party, a GroupMe chat room for our group and a handful of others. Walked around downtown. Found a credit union ATM (Velocity) and was surprised to see a $2 surcharge but retrieved money anyway. It was dead seemingly everywhere immediately north of the Omni Downtown. I found almost no one walking on the sidewalk and no restaurants or shops open. I even found a visitor center on Congress Avenue which was closed. I turned south on N Congress Avenue and continued walking. Stopped at the Driskill. I was unimpressed with the architecture exterior partly because of the painted brick but also because the construction didn't seem like it was crafted very well in parts. The inside is very elegant but too dark for my taste. The cafe at Driskill (1886 Cafe & Bakery) had prices basically identical to San Francisco. It also had lots of uncleared tables, which I thought unusual at these prices. Brunch at Frank (512-494-6916, 407 Colorado Street). I ordered shrimp and grits, but when it arrived I noticed it appeared spicy, which the deliverator confirmed. The menu, however, made no indication that it was spicy, so I sent it back. My server Sara returned, I ordered pulled pork tacos with corn tortillas, and these turned out fine. My first bite into the pulled pork was heavenly. The meat is crisped on the outside before you reach the tenderness on the inside. The tacos were mostly egg and cheese; relatively little meat for a $10 plate. To drink: orange juice, ice water. Interesting fan installations, live DJ, excellent mixing. Service by Sara was excellent. The chicken and waffles seemed to be the most popular dish. The breaded and fried chicken is curved into a shape like a baseball mitt and the gravy is poured into it with the waffle beside it. Walked west to N Lamar Blvd then headed south. Stopped at Whole Foods Market (512-542-2200, 525 N Lamar Blvd) and bought apples and bananas. Walked back to Omni Downtown. Nap. Awoke to messages on my phone: John K and Conrad C planning dinner. We ate at Stubb's with Richie and Alexia joining us midway. BBQ here was very good. Two small issues: my meat was not hot (and it seemed from discussion at the table that this was normal) and the chicken was a little on the dry side. Mac and cheese was excellent. John said it reminded him of Kraft (deluxe). I had beef brisket, chicken, collard greens, mac and cheese, margarita on the rocks. Back to the hotel room. Rested and freshened. Met the group on the hotel roof with Richie and Alexia joining. Amber planned to leave the next day. She had a Lady Gaga concert to attend.
Mon Jun 2, 2014
Breakfast: a banana. Did some selection of sessions. Registered at DrupalCon. Walked around downtown. Brunch at Cedar Door (201 Brazos): lunch special: half grilled cheese, southwest corn chowder, lemonade, about $10 before tip. I liked my food. The grilled cheese had mushrooms and aioli. The chowder was a tad spicy but tolerable for me. (The server said it was not spicy at all, which is not true.) When my server brought my bill it had more expensive prices than the menu reflected (almost twice as muuch) and it took a lot of waiting for her to resolve the problem which turned out to be something wrong with their cash register system. She was apologetic in the end. Back to the hotel. More selection of sessions and handling regular work stuff including content work in Drupal. Late dinner: I walked around a lot again before I got doner kabab at a Kebabalicious food truck at Congress Avenue and E 7th Avenue: chicken kebab wrap with tahini, mexican coke, about $10, tasty. Ever since I arrived in Austin I now and again saw evidence of cockroaches. Usually they were dead on the floor or sidewalk. I knew before long I would have an encounter with a bug. And while eating my doner kebab a small bug jumped on my leg and I shook it off. It was too small and the lighting too dim to tell if it was a roach. Parts of downtown Austin are so dirty I was surprised that I didn't see more roaches so far. Back to the hotel for a shower before bed. I didn't receive GroupMe messages for some reason. I was added and I successfully sent and received messages via SMS. It wasn't until after I created an account on the GroupMe website and downloaded the GroupMe app to my iPhone 3GS that I stopped receiving alerts on my phone.
Tue Jun 3, 2014
Breakfast at Ancho's, the restaurant in Omni Downtown, with John K, Eric D, and Richard B. There was a misunderstanding about the meeting time, so I ended up waiting a bit. I ordered a breakfast quesadilla, nothing spicy. Tasty. While waiting I ran a speed test on Omni Lobby: download: 1.82 Mbps, upload: 0.12 Mbps, ping: 1011 ms. DrupalCon keynote (driesnote) and sessions. Dries's keynote was about the history of the camera, the experience web, the web is becoming more closed, headless drupal, and the need for Drupal to embrace big players. levelten tom mccracken, the fifth discipline - orgs must learn faster, systems learning, free version available but content only, pro version expected out of beta in 6 months, open enterprise, advantage: everything is inside drupal, based on reactions from the audience hubspot seems to be popular. During one of the breaks I walked around the convention center and discovered Moonshine, Waller Creek, and Iron Works BBQ. Hotel. Nap. Dinner with Eric at Uncle Julio's: chili con queso, fajitas. With some difficulty at first, John and Eric got me in to the Phase 2 party at Container Bar. I met Sierra's friend Jen. I listened to bad karaoke singing. The container spaces were cool, interesting. In a restroom somewhere today I saw a hand drier I had never seen before: FastDry.
Wed Jun 4, 2014
Breakfast: ate fruit in my room. Accompanied Eric getting his breakfast at La Pena. DrupalCon keynote and sessions. I think this is the day I ate 4 bananas before 11 am because they were starting to get freckles on them already. opened simplenote on my iphone 3gs and saw my notes from yesterday for a second before they disappeared during simplenote cloud sync. somehow i suspect this is a 3gs issue in that some combination of notational velocity, simplenote on the web, and simplenote on iphone 3gs causes notes to disappear causing data loss. i sent a request for help via email to simplenote but even before hearing back i had decided i need to abandon this technology combination—too many parts or bad support for older devices. i never heard from simplenote, but that could be because of my strict spam filtering, so i might try again later. [later i confirmed that a reply from simplenote was caught by server-side spam filtering and also that SimpleNote support said, "The LastPass extension has a bug where it clears the currently selected note. If you're using it, please disable auto-login for Simplenote."] DrupalCon sessions. richie and i met eric and john k at brass house where they were attending a higher education meetup. Dinner at Iron Works BBQ. I returned to the hotel to rest while the others stopped at a video game arcade at 6th and San Jacinto. Lullabot had a party at HandleBar tonight that I heard about but did not attend.
Thu Jun 5, 2014
Breakfast: an apple in my room. DrupalCon keynote and sessions. Got a hot-off-the-press Pantheon t-shirt after watching some demos. Dinner at Banger's Sausage House & Beer Garden (512-386-1656, 79 Rainey Street, Austin, Texas) with Richie. Afterwards richie and i went to south congress bridge to see the bats. we waited from 8:25 PM to 9:10 PM but no bats appeared. richie was tired and returned to his hotel. i went to hangar lounge alone, hoping richie and conrad would later join. uk drupalcon hosted a party: free drinks with your badge. at the door i saw some drupalcon peeps refused entry because they weren't wearing the right clothes. i got in, surprised because i had a brown Gap v-neck t-shirt and quiksilver platypus shorts. so i think it was because their shirts had large logos on them. i drank real ale brewing co, blanco tx, rio blanco pale ale. conrad met me and we barhopped elsewhere (Rain on 4th, cedar street courtyard, v (with music by DJ dopeKICKS aka Kenny Skidmore), rain on 4th), talked, and i danced until we were tired. to bed late.
Fri Jun 6, 2014
core contribution sprints. i arrived early and sat in the wrong room for 45 minutes waiting for things to start. met john w from nyc. the sprinting was hard work installing the latest drupal 8 and figuring out how to identify open issues, communicate over irc, and try to resolve issues. they provided lunch, beverages, and sweets. richie joined us around lunch and later left for the airport. i took a stab at a css issue with the installer that was visible in only firefox 28, moving it from "needs work" to "reviewed and tested by the community (RTBC)". i hope i did everything correctly and that it helps. back to the hotel to rest and freshen. john w met me at my room. early dinner with john w at frank: i had a chicken fried chicken dog. john w and i met conrad at elephant room where we met or encountered suzanne, timani, gabe. gabe recommended black's bbq on the way back from new braunfels, which after looking it up later I presume to be Black's Barbecue, (512) 398-2712, 215 N Main St, Lockhart, TX 78644. afterwards conrad, john w, and i barhopped until weary.
Sat Jun 7, 2014
breakfast at a nearby restaurant: breakfast burritos. john w and i took a cab to avis car rental on i-35. i drove us to his friend donna v's house in new braunfels. we met her mom who was making a tortilla chicken casserole. donna v, john w, and i visited schlitterbahn. the weather was perfect: 90 degrees and warm, occasional breezes. i've never seen a better waterpark. lockers. splashcard setup. rode rides. donna and john got alcoholic slushies at a swim-up bar. we rode more rides. we snacked on food we brought. tram. rode rides. surprised to learn it was 8 pm already—park closing time—that time went by fast. tram back. lockers. splashcard refunds. afterwards we got dinner in a small, charming, historic town called gruene. someone famous was playing gruene hall which after looking it up later I found to be Reckless Kelly. We ate at Gristmill River Restaurant & Bar (830-625-0684, 1287 Gruene Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78130) and I was amazed at the size of the place. I asked how many seats they had and was told just under a thousand. food, service, and setting were all excellent (except for the june bugs crawling on the wall and scaring me at the end of our meal). after dinner we visited the general store. we dropped donna at home and said our goodbyes. i drove for about 12 minutes before i got sleepy so i took an exit, and john w took over while i fell asleep. street parking near the hotel was easy. to bed late.
Sun Jun 8, 2014
met with john. we drove to south congress for breakfast at Jo's Coffee: chicken wrap for him; 2 potato, egg, and cheese tacos for me; iced turbos (coffee) for both. as we finished eating an amazing live band began playing. dropped john at the airport. returned to the hotel, easily found parking on the street. extended my car rental. rested. drove to barton springs pool and stayed a few hours ($5 parking, $4 admission). afterwards i got a coffee popsicle and a large, unsweetened iced tea (maybe $7?). returned to south congress, got a bite to eat at tokyo robot, fusing japanese and western cuisines. the soy sauce dispenser resembles R2-D2—cute but it doesn't work perfectly and drips a lot. some seats are swing benches. decor is modern, fun, colorful. staff is very friendly, helpful, and efficient. hk-47 (pork belly) and lucky robot (chicken), unsweetened iced tea. i was offered miso and edamame but declined both. (too hot outside for soup, i don't enjoy edamame that much). browsed the few shops that remained open, including Stag and Uncommon Objects. saw my first Austin openly gay couple dining at Snack Bar, smiled. weird back-in angle street parking. south congress has many gems, but overall i was disappointed because it's such a wide, busy, and hilly street. SoCo looks like it could be a lot more charming in 5 or 10 years, though. south congress hotel is under construction, scheduled for opening in 2015. it looks like it's going to be big. returned to the hotel. couldn't find street parking to last as long as i needed, so i used valet ($25 for overnight with in and out privileges). rested a bit. it was my last night in austin so i decided i would try again to see the bats. i got to the bridge at 8:30 PM and waited with hundreds of others. while waiting I saw Dries walk by talking with someone. the bats finally emerged at exactly 9:00 PM. they flew in circles around certain points under the bridge. they were easiest and most exciting to see directly under a lamppost. afterwards i browsed nightlife near 4th and colorado but found nothing particularly interesting. stomach feeling a lttle upset, so i wasn't in the mood for alcohol. snack at frank: breakfast hash sub vegan dog ($4), iced tea ($3?). the hash was good but it's just a side, and so i was a bit surprised at the small portion, which fit in a small 8-ounce cup. only $9 after tax and tip because the bartender was far more helpful to the two women seated next to me than he was to me. made plans for tomorrow. to bed late.
Mon Jun 9, 2014
free breakfast in the hotel (included with the price of the room): peach yogurt, oatmeal with cranberries and 2% milk. back to the room. made plans for today: eat a waldorf salad at moonshine or get something at second bar and restaurant, maybe return to barton springs pool before the flight. opened the windowshade, found pouring rain. with no umbrella there was no way i could arrive dry at moonshine or second. changed clothes and plans. now maybe visit the capitol building. checked out of hampton inn, no problems, changed plans again after speaking with the front desk staff. drove the rental car to bob bullock texas state history museum, parked ($8). driving in austin is very frustrating because the lights are not timed and they seemed like 60 to 90 seconds each. i found myself spending a lot of effort at not getting too distracted by boredom while waiting for lights. watched Texas: The Big Picture in imax ($9, 45 minutes) by tim mcclure. it's overly dramatic, but i still enjoyed it. the writing, narration, music, and production quality (everything, basically) was excellent. some scenes were over a decade old, but they still seemed to work well. i noticed that during the part proclaiming texas diversity no mention was made of gays, lesbians, or disabled people. during the part highlighting (promoting) offshore oil drilling it felt awkward in light of the giant gulf oil spill event a while back. i felt this was time well spent. i got to learn more about and see other parts of texas in air-conditioned comfort. no more rain. drove to auditorium shores, snapped some photos of the austin skyline, butler park, and the long center for the performing arts. walked around a bit. very humid due to the recent downpour. hungry. drove to elizabeth street and s 1st st, getting a little lost along the way. lunch at elizabeth street noodles, banh mi, and boulangerie: bun with grilled pork ($14) and fried spring roll ($3), iced vietnamese coffee ($4). dessert: pistachio eclair ($3). total: $25.98 after tax with a $4 tip. i'm a little astounded at the prices, but the food and drink are of excellent quality, and the space is exceedingly charming. they have some atypical animals on the menu, including octopus and escargot. the spring roll wrappers seemed to be housemade (because the seemed thicker in parts than factorymade ones). stumptown coffee, bee teapots, vintage old asia wallpaper, the design on the drinking glasses matches the design on the pitchers, the sauce bottles seemed to be custom, custom (?) vintage asia dress uniforms for the front of house women. so many charming details. the female nudes art in the mens restroom i interpreted as homophobia. took part of my meal to go in order to eat the eclair. lick ice cream was in my plans at this point, but i was full. couldn't think of anything else to do in an hour, so i got gasoline (about $27) and dropped off the avis rental car ($125.83 for 3 days with AAA discount), no problems, arriving at the airport a little early. got an arnold palmer ($2.15) at annie's inside the security checkpoint. virgin america flight 221 austin to san francisco, seat 14c. listened to comedy: hannibal buress, j.t. habersaat, marc maron, mike wiebe. listened to old school rap playlist: mr. wendel, mistadobalina, rebirth of slick (cool like dat), same song, i'm housin', don't sweat the technique, who's gonna take the weight?, no time to play, now that we found love, you played yourself, reality used to be a friend of mine, the creator, joy and pain, whoomp! (there it is), rump shaker. Dinner at home: Patrick made me ramen noodles with mushrooms and cabbage. Unpacked.
Tue Jun 10, 2014
Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus, chatting with Aaron C along the way. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Welcomed Kevin D on his second day. Meeting with Eric and Susie. Quick lunch to go from The View Cafe: packaged sushi, a banana. Water from my Contigo water bottle. Comm team meeting. Content work in Drupal: one page of pharmchem research comp chem. Identified two taxonomy issues, chatted with Eric about them, then created tasks in asana. Susie gave Eric and me a ride from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. All Faculty Meeting. Eric and I gave Kevin D a short, abbreviated tour of parts of the Parnassus campus. Eric resolved a problem with Shuvo's website availability. Dropped off dead batteries. Snack from Panda Express: one veggie spring roll and one cream cheese rangoon. (They were out of veggie spring rolls.) Rode Muni home. Rested, and Patrick also gave me a back massage. Dinner at home with Patrick: grilled pork chops with spiced salt rub, side mixed greens salad, steamed and marinated beets, hot water. Patrick and I watched videos linked from wimp.com—addicting. Recharge Spa work for Drew: 3 outdoor signs.
Wed Jun 11, 2014
Breakfast at home: oatmeal with fresh, diced apple; cinnamon; unsweetened soy milk. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Responded to emails. Content meeting with Eric and Susie: funding pages. SPS meeting with Rodney and Eric. Responded to emails. Content work in Drupal. Followup on a 6-week-old request for ITS to shut down a domain. Watched a video that Esteban sent me. Followup with Sam at Burchard Lab about analytics. Small web edit for Cindy: ASSP link. Task followup in asana. Styling work in Drupal. Chatted with James J and Eileen on the UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: braised tofu and vegetable stir fry with hoisin sauce, hot water. Watched two episodes of Archer on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Dessert: three pieces of coffee-infused dark chocolate. Learned about then installed Vimium. Late snack: hot tortilla chips (microwaved).
Thu Jun 12, 2014
Breakfast at home: oatmeal with fresh, diced apple; cinnamon; unsweetened soy milk. Watched videos on wimp.com. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. WCWG lunch meeting. I think I had a turkey and provolone sandwich, bottled water. 1-on-1 with Cindy. Supp app work in Jazzee. Listserv management. Calendar management. Published and announced technology requirements for fall 2014. Content updates for Burchard due to a paper released today that is getting a lot of attention from the press. Content and styling work in Drupal: new landing page styling. Chatted with Monica about the residencies website. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Argentinian sausage small tacos, hot water.
Fri Jun 13, 2014
Had lots of difficulty figuring out how to add a new epub book to my iPhone 3GS after Apple iBooks for Mavericks was introduced. In iTunes I received an alert saying that books have moved to the iBooks application, but I see no feature in iBooks for synching to my phone. Frustrating. In iBooks I tried File > Move books from iTunes but that did not work. I can see the new epub book in iBooks. I just can't get it copied to my phone in iBooks. I tried using mobi and Kindle and encountered a similar fail. Lots of discussion about events content types as it relates to the PharmD site. Lunch: leftovers at desk. Lots of Burchard media coverage work. Lots of vagrant setup troubleshooting with Eric and Kevin. Content and styling work in Drupal: landing pages, Burchard pubs and media coverage. Dinner at home with Patrick: tacos again. Dessert: I brought home slices of chocolate cake with strawberry from J&J Bakery, black russians. Watched Raiders of the Lost Ark via iTunes purchase with Patrick. Patrick had recently purchased the set of 4 films. To watch on my computer in the living room I had to open iTunes, select File > Add to Library..., find the file on Patrick's computer, wait about 10 minutes for it to copy over 802.11g wireless, then play it from my computer in iTunes. Repaired a problem with volumes in CrashPlan. (The usual, recurring problem.) Figured out how to add an epub format ebook to my iPhone 3GS with iBooks and iTunes in Mavericks. The secret is that although the Books item in the Library section disappeared, you can still see books when in iTunes you select your phone. Drag epub files from Finder to iBooks, then switch to iTunes in the Devices section then Books section for the selection and sync. Caught up on journaling.
Sat Jun 14, 2014
Breakfast at home with Patrick: veggie scramble, pumpernickel toast, hash browns, heirloom tomato salad, hot water, black tea. Cut my hair, showered. House chores. Nap. Dinner at Pesce with Patrick: sparkling water; cocktails: novena for Frank, suicide note for Patrick; small plates: cavolo nero, gamberoni, capesante, pappardelle, risotto di mare. Glass of Nerello for Patrick. Dessert: pistachio-orange cannoli. $116.49 before a generous tip for excellent service by Jeffrey. We barhopped: Hi Tops, Toad Hall, and Beaux before riding Muni home.
Sun Jun 15, 2014
Danny brought breakfast: greek yogurt, granola, rainier cherries and added some diced apple we had. Danny and I worked on a new website for him then went to Shotwell Street separately. Phil brought pastries from Tartine, and all of us (Danny, Romy, Drew, Phil, and I) ate on the patio. Wine tasting at Ram's Gate, with excellent service from Sam. We enjoyed a cheese and charcuterie platter and tasted two bottles. While there, we encountered friends of PDDR: sophia scott brandon skate. I drove home from Shotwell Street. Dinner at home with Patrick: vegetables with brown rice cappellini with tempeh in olive oil and herbs. Watched Journey to the West on Netflix DVD with Patrick.
Mon Jun 16, 2014
Breakfast at home: one oroblanco (or possibly grapefruit). Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Minor edits for Burchard. Jazzee setting up of testing with Lisa D. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Prepped my expense report for DrupalCon. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Comm team meeting. Met with David J over leftovers for lunch in my office to review content for pharmchem comp chem and bio (or is it comp bio and chem?). Met with Susie to review landing pages work. Content and styling work in Drupal. Snacks during syndication review meeting with Eric and Kevin: white cheddar popcorn, corn nuts, water. Content and styling work in Drupal. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: hungarian chicken, moroccan cauliflower, quinoa, hot water. Patrick gave me a back massage. Prepped receipts for DrupalCon expense report. Uploaded photos to Flickr. Late snack: rainier cherries, hot water.
Tue Jun 17, 2014
Breakfast at home: one oroblanco, rainier cherries, hot water. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. University Relations brand workshop. Stopped at the OSACA for a moment. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Lots of content and styling work in Drupal. Lunch #1 (early): leftovers at desk. Eric called a fun lunch hour. We played a card game he brought called Love Letters. I did amazingly well for my first time playing; won 3 out of 5 rounds. Lunch #2: packaged sushi. Content and styling work in Drupal. Picked up the camera from Eric. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: tofu and black bean enchiladas, side salad, hot water. Cocktail: margarita with salt. Watched Aziz Ansari: Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Uploaded photos to Flickr.
Wed Jun 18, 2014
Breakfast at home: plain yogurt; granola; fresh, diced apple. Drove to Golden Gate Club in the Presidio for Pharmacy Curriculum Kickoff: PharmD Redesign, an offsite retreat. $7 for all-day parking. Coffee. The event went well. Lunch: veggie on foccacia, one cookie, water. The sandwich was too big for me to eat, so I brought a quarter of it home along with another cookie and a peach. Coffee again. Drove home. Shower. Uploaded today's photos to Flickr. Dinner at home with Patrick: grilled mahi mahi with ginger, green onions, black sesame, cilantro, mint; steamed green beans; hot water. Watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom from iTunes purchase with Patrick and popcorn. Cocktails: moscow mules.
Thu Jun 19, 2014
Breakfast: leftover sandwich portion from yesterday. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Said hello to Nancy Jane. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Filed my expense report for DrupalCon. Calendar management. Jazzee setup, sent it to Joel and Rick for final review. Web edits for Cindy: white coat, orientation. Content work in Drupal: prep work for pharmchem research comp chem. Early lunch: leftovers. Submitted survey and feedback for yesterday's retreat. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. SPS meeting with Cindy, Rodney, and Greg. Chatted briefly with Rodney about the kiosk. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Web edits for Cindy: curriculum changes. Snack: coffee, packaged Ritz crackers with peanut butter. Web edits for Cindy: curriculum changes. Calendar management. Asana task management. Chatted briefly with Michael N. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Bailey's on the rocks, leftovers, hot water. Watched an episode of Archer with Patrick. I shopped online.
Fri Jun 20, 2014
Breakfast at home: almond-maple granola with fresh, diced apple and plain lowfat yogurt. Realized that I forgot my wallet, cash clip, and keys right after I pulled the door behind me. Patrick wasn't going to be home for hours. UberX was experiencing 2x surge pricing, so I began walking and got to 19th and Quintara then decided to ride Sidecar to work. Web edits for Cindy: white coat ceremony, graduation ceremony. Chatted with Eric about syncfiles2. More curriculum web edits for Cindy in both old and new sites for the rest of the day. Lunch with Eric, Stefan, and Kevin at the JCC. We all ordered the same thing: roast beef sandwich au jus, side salad. I borrowed $20 from Stefan since I forgot my wallet at home. Rode Sidecar home. Breakfast: hone maple almond granola, sliced banana, plain lowfat yogurt; hot water. Dinner at home with Patrick: quinoa-corn linguine in spinach marinara sauce with chicken meatballs, cabernet sauvignon, hot water. Dessert: fruit crumble with vanilla ice cream.
Sat Jun 21, 2014
Breakfast: Patrick made me huevos rancheros, orange juice, hot black tea. Nap. Shower. Lunch: leftovers. Housecleaning. Watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade via iTunes purchase. Dinner at home with Patrick: mac and cheese with broccoli and cauliflower, cabernet sauvignon, hot water. Made travel plans for August 23. Shopped online.
Sun Jun 22, 2014
Brunch at home: cheese quesadilla on mixed greens with spanish rice and black beans, 4 ounces of orange and tangerine juice, hot water. House chores. Sewing: brown long sleeve items for me and a blue short-sleeve dress shirt for Patrick taken in. Worked on Danny's new website. Drove Patrick and me to the Castro. Dinner at Eureka Restaurant and Lounge with Patrick. Cocktails: dark and stormy for Patrick, HOMO for me. Appetizers: watermelon salad for Patrick, deviled eggs for me. Entrees: jamabalaya for Patrick, pot roast with mashed potatoes and carrots for me. Patrick also had a glass of Insolia with dinner. Dessert: we shared a pot de creme. Everything was perfectly delicious. The jambalaya was way too spicy for me, but Patrick enjoyed it. The pot roast was incredibly tender. A fine, satisfying meal. We sat again at table 32/1. Service by Kim was excellent. $102.33 after tax and before a very generous tip. Patrick drove us home.
Mon Jun 23, 2014
Breakfast at home: maple-pecan granola with unsweetened soy milk. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus, encountering and chatting briefly with Michael C in the elevator. Cardkey access work (IRC). Linkchecking, kiosk work. Curriculum revisions work for Cindy. Chatted briefly with Chris O about Accuvant. Reviewed Accuvant documents. Followup with Jina about a legal name change request. Late lunch: leftovers. Followup with Jesse and Erik W about Acrobat Pro not being available to us when it should be. Followup with John C who claimed that Windows 7 Ultimate is available to our students for $13. Prepared and delivered Danielle's exit document. Posted fall draft schedules for Lucia. Helped Lucia with questions about scanning. Completed staging curriculum revisions for Cindy, sent her a few questions in advance of review. Followup with ITS about access to ICRD. Jazzee work: updated the start date on UAT so Rick and Joel could begin testing. Edited Susie's draft of the plancomm website. Student headshots followup. WebEx and chat with Susie about the plancomm site. Responded to a wysiwyg issue that Susie reported. Sent Lucia more photobooks questions. Bought breakfast foods at La Boulange Inner Sunset, encountering student and recent grad TT along the way. Rode Muni home. On the ride home I had to nimbly avoid being sat on by a very large crazy man. Cocktails and dinner at home with Patrick: mudwrestles; couscous with vegetables, raisins, and feta. Trip planning.
Tue Jun 24, 2014
Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Goodbye breakfast for Danielle. I brought almond cherry pound cake, vanilla pound cake, and chocolate shortbread from La Boulange. Joel brought an onion and arugula frittata and chocolate cookie delight. Cindy brought coffee cake. Lucia brought mixed berries. I think Rick brought hash browns and Don brought bacon. Lisa did not attend. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Content work in Drupal. Comm team sprint meeting. Content work in Drupal. Lunch from The View Cafe: packaged california roll, water from my Contigo water bottle. Met with Susie to review landing pages and pharmchem history. Chatted with ITS to resolve my access problem with ICRD. ICRD work. Jazzee work. Photobooks followup with Lucia. Content work in Drupal: pharmchem compchem. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: heirloom tomatoes caprese salad, heirloom white beans with sausage and bacon, hot water. Watched 37 minutes of Kylie Minogue's Showgirl on Netflix DVD with Patrick.
Wed Jun 25, 2014
Breakfast: granola with unsweetened soy milk. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Discovered that some of our websites were down, took action. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Hardware research. Ordered a new monitor for Don K. Lunch: leftover couscous. Lots of Asana task followup. Web edits for Cindy: curriculum revisions. Content and styling work in Drupal. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: I had heirloom tomatoes caprese salad (same as last night), Patrick had heirloom white beans with sausage and bacon over steamed white rice. Hot water for both. Dessert: Patrick made a pear-ginger-apricot pie.
Thu Jun 26, 2014
Breakfast: granola with unsweetened soy milk. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Purchasing followup with Jeff U and Denetra A. Web edits for Cindy: curriculum revisions. Lunch with Kevin D at Pasta Pomodoro: he had the bolognese (beef, pork, and porcini mushroom sauce with rigatoni) lunch express with mista salad, I had the pesce sano (sustainable salmon with whole grain fusilli, asparagus, and basil) lunch express with caesar salad, water for both, no dessert. Filed pcard paperwork. Content work in Drupal: continued working on PharmD admissions. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: gluten-free fusilli with seitan and vegetables, barbera d'asti. Dessert: more pie from yesterday. Trip planning with Patrick.
Fri Jun 27, 2014
Breakfast: granola with unsweetened soy milk. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Followup with early-launch lab site owners regarding training: Desai, Ahituv, Arkin, Renslo. Web edits for Joel: admissions. pcard paperwork followup for Denetra and La'Trece. Lunch: leftovers at desk. More admissions edits for Joel. Susie and I chatted very briefly with Paula, Paula at home. More admissions edits for Joel. Snack: ritz crackers with cheese, corn nuts, water. Listserv management. More admissions edits for Joel. Chatted with Susie about instructions to Robin for the services boxes. Followup with Thanh from ITS about a password request. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: delivery from Sri Thai. Watched more of Kylie Minogue's Showgirl on Netflix DVD with Patrick and pear-ginger-apricot pie.
Sat Jun 28, 2014
Breakfast: huevos rancheros variation, spanish rice. Laundry and housecleaning. Lunch: leftovers. Nap. Rode UberX to Kitchen Story where after being seated we watched the Dyke March pass festively. For an appetizer we split a warm wagyu beef salad. Patrick's entree: short rib tacos (kimchi pico de gallo, mango salsa, crispy yam, spicy guacamole, corn tortilla). My entree: POP Belly (overnight slow cooked kurobuta pork in five spices, turmeric curry rice, brussels sprouts with fermented beans sauce, $19). Entree portions were large; we each ate about half then took the rest to go. Too full for dessert. Food was excellent; particularly the flavors in the wagyu salad. Service was excellent for the first half then middling for the second. After dinner we went to Blush Party at Montecito North, met lots of people, had a very nice time. Had trouble getting a ride home. UberX was 2.0x the normal rate, so I switched to Uber black car but two black car requests failed (one due to "a mix-up" the other because the "driver had to cancel") before I returned to UberX and we got a ride in about 6 minutes.
Sun Jun 29, 2014
Breakfast at home: 1 hash brown for Patrick. For me: 2 hash browns, one fried egg with diced, grilled heirloom tomato, 3 slices of toast with Earth Balance spread. Snack: fresh melon. Watched the Pride Parade on sfpridelive.com. The rooftop and crane cameras were terrific. The commentary was just so so. Dinner at home with Patrick: grilled, herbed sea bass with crinkle-cut french fries from frozen, hot water. Watched 49 minutes of Goldfinger (1964) on Netflix instant watch with Patrick.
Mon Jun 30, 2014
Vacation day. Breakfast: warm almond croissant, chai tea with sucanet (too spicy). Checked work email briefly to do my journal, found an urgent listserv request and handled it. Lunch: leftover fusilli with vegetables. Mailed a package, bought a late second lunch to go from Daphne's. Drove to Sawyer Camp Trail, rode my bike to the 2.5-mile marker, ate a sundriedtomato wrap with falafel and tzatziki, drank a half and half Honest Tea, took a few photos along the way. A few ants and flying insects disturbed me somewhat, preventing me from staying in one place too long. Rode back, drove home. Dinner at home with Patrick: tacos using leftover sea bass and white beans. Patrick also made side salads but we were too full to eat them. Uploaded photos to Flickr.