Sunday, September 23, 2018

Light dusting and vacuuming. Brunch at home with Patrick, Sam, Kerry, and Mom Ryan: asparagus fritatta, buttered grits, baguette coins and butter, Esalen maple-walnut breakfast cake but with pecans instead of walnuts, coffee, orange juice, Hint blackberry. Washed lots of dishes by hand. After they departed Patrick and I walked to the library and back to return and check out books and to get a replacement library card. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs sweet potato souvlaki with yogurt sauce, red wine, Hint. Watched on Netflix instant watch with Patrick: The Comedy Lineup (Max Silvestri, JR De Guzman) and The Standups: Joe List. They were all good, but I particularly liked JR De Guzman. Stopped using Notational Velocity for macOS because it failed twice in 5 weeks to sync. Instead, I will log in to the Simplenote website to reach the data in my account.