Saturday, September 22, 2018

Breakfast with Patrick: Esalen maple-walnut breakfast cake but with pecans instead of walnuts, one peach. Spent several hours attempting to hem a tank top and failed because the seam kept popping and all my troubleshooting didn't fix it. Lunch: leftover pappardelle ragu. Worked on populating journal entries for the Southern Decadence trip. Snack: sweet maui onion snack rings (a Funyuns knockoff). Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs roast chicken and bread salad, Hint. Rode UberX to SoMa for ShangriLa Goes Commando! Pre-Folsom Fair Event, meeting Stephen and Richard there. Met or encountered Lee, Jezebel Patel (we talked about GAPA Runway and sewing projects), Jai (we talked about community health), Vasily (first time to The Endup and just moved to SF from Sydney and works for Goldman Sachs), Danny (also recently moved to SF), Bo, Eric, Chris W and Rafael, David and Derek, Steve D, Keith H. Jezebel Patel did a terrific job hosting a dating game with bachelor Mr. GAPA Christo Roma. DJ Shawn P opened, DJ Andrew Gibbons played after hours. I chatted at length with Samuel mostly about psychology and geeky computery things.