Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Breakfast at home with Patrick: leftovers mixed with eggs, hot tea. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Completed staging the School brand identity microsite and sent it to Eric for review. Task followup. Completed staging the Websites microsite and sent it to Eric for review. Lunch at Rigolo: La Provencale crepe (chicken, mushroom, spinach), side of fries, water: about $15. Clinical Pharmacology Fellowship Training Program migration project work: this dormant request revived today, and I spent much of the day prepping planning documents and sending followup emails for it. Rode Uber Pool home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and ricotta. Watched Tim's Vermeer on Netflix DVD with Patrick. This film was terrific. I recommend it to anyone interested in art, technology, or the creative process. Late snack: one small piece of dark chocolate with cherries, generic Wheat Thins with hummus.