Sunday, August 12, 2018

Slept in. Rode UberX to Paul's for brunch with a subset of The Group With No Name: Phil, Drew, Danny, Romy, Wayne, Paul. After a while Irene joined us, and we also met her friend Cynthia. Due to a miscommunication about the start time I arrived 30 minutes early, so I helped Paul prepare bread, cheese, and avocados for the brunch. We had avocado toast with nibbles: fresh fig, fresh blueberries, gouda cheese, and more. The entree was cheddar mushroom omelettes. Afterwards Wayne took off, then I rode with PDDR to Discount Builders Supply and Hardware where Phil needed to buy something. They dropped me at Market Street, and I walked a bit to the bus stop to ride the L bus home due to the tunnel construction closure. Snack: some generic Wheat Thins, water. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: tacos with fixins. Purchased more bags from Peak Design. Completed playing Agent A chapter 4 with a little help from a walkthrough found on the web.