Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Breakfast at home: Patrick prepared for me oatmeal with diced fruit and nuts, 8 ounces of orange juice. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Sprint standup. Chatted with Joel via WebEx and made adjustments to Jazzee. Confirmed that a recent redirect request works for Mukesh and Eric G. Continued work on PowerPoint template changes from yesterday, sent it to Susie for review. Lunch at desk: leftover red beans and rice from home. Styling work.PowerPoint work. Team snack break with ice cream, crispy chocolate chip cookies, and a bunch of other snacks. Levi showed photos from his recent fourth of July backpacking trip in King's Canyon. Styling work: news keywords for microsites. Prepped for a change of address for the ACPE office on Friday. Errand: Bryan's for groceries. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs pasta alla Norma with tomato and eggplant except without the eggplant because I don't like the texture of it. The dish included basil and smoked mozzarella. Hint blackberry. Patrick made himself a small banana split. We watched about 40 minutes of Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series part 8 on purchased DVD with Patrick. Installed a new version of iDrive on all our computers. Recharge Medical work: email campaign builds. Late snack: a bowl of rainier cherries.