Saturday, July 14, 2018

Converted to be https instead of http. Encountered problems getting the Google Analytics plugin for Grav to do what I wanted and instead modified the templates/partials/base.html.twig file. Breakfast: leftover naan pizza. Converted,, and to be https instead of http. Upgraded Grav for all Grav sites (except theme on Corinna's site). Converted to be https instead of http. Cut my hair, showered. Snack: leftover rice noodles with Soy Vay teriyaki sauce and tofu and leftover grilled cauliflower and chickpeas. PDDRP picked me up and we drove to Thunderbird House for a birthday party. Miniature egg rolls, cheese and crackers, fresh watermelon and pineapple, roast pork sandwiches, roast chicken legs, salad greens. Danny prepared a special vietnamese noodle dish. For dessert: Dave baked a raspberry cheesecake. Everything was delicious. I brought two bottles of wine—one to share and one for Paul to share. PDDRP drove me home. To bed late, around 11:30 pm. Others in attendance: chris yorkie jonathan allan stravia anh luc and many other family members.