Thursday, June 28, 2018

Breakfast at home with Patrick: leftovers. Rode Uber Pool to UCSF Laurel Heights. 2018 and Beyond Curriculum Report html email followup tasks. Policy changes prep for Cindy. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Walked to an errand at the natural pharmacy, walked back to campus. No lunch. Attended the farewell party for Valerie at the Lange Room in Kalmanovitz Library. There was a lot of food and drink as well as party favors. I forgot to pick mine up before I left. Michael, Joe, (Clarence?), and Denetra said some words. Denetra brought a giant, red boom box for music. I chatted mostly with Marley, Stu H, Grant, James H, Eric, and Levi. More color boxes Powerpoint work for Susie: two standard templates instead of just one. Rode Muni and walked home. I prepared dinner for Patrick and me: Good Eggs sweet potato souvlaki with yogurt sauce, Hint blackberry. Afterwards we watched part of Coco on Netflix DVD. Dessert: one each Petit Pot vanilla bean pudding / pot de creme. Late snack: rainier cherries.