Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Task followup. 1:1 with Eric. Resolved or staged markup and styling issues for QBC sites for Rebecca B. Updated html email templates with a fix for the "Add us to your address book" link problem in outlook.office.com. Submitted a Siteimprove request to Jill W. Styling work: various fixes. Calendar management. For lunch I walked to Pixnix and found it closed for the next 6 weeks due to refurbishment construction. I instead ate at Kaiju Eats: K.O. ramen, ice water. Very tasty and not spicy like I wanted. Styling work: table and other improvements. Errand: grocery. Rode Uber Pool home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs fattoush salad with cherries and mint (instead of tomatoes), Hint watermelon. We suspect that the cracker in this recipe didn't turn out exactly right—maybe not crispy enough?—but otherwise was fine enough. Waxed the dining table. Late snack: tortilla chips and guacamole, Hint mango grapefruit.