Saturday, June 2, 2018

Breakfast at home with Patrick: pancakes with nutmeg-topped applesauce, chocolate mint tea. Nap. House party at 15th Avenue House. Lots of people. Some names I recall: Courtney, Harvey, Anh, Yu, Greta, Kevin, Jonathan, Jesse, Phil, Danny, Romy, Drew, Nate, Theora, Chris G, Paul, Wayne, Richard, Michael, Lisa, Brianna, Itzel, Jose, Chris, Jonny, Johnny, Alyssa, Tim, Cricket, Sean. The clinic gang played Uno and maybe Cards Against Humanity. Afterwards I met A at The Mix where we chatted for a while, meeting someone from Guatemala. After that we went to Toad Hall to dance, which was fun. I realized that the video set hasn't changed in a long time because the choices/order of the songs was exactly the same as on a previous visit. Why is there a DJ in the booth if it's not mixed live? Met Clay and Xavier. Rode UberX home.