Friday, April 27, 2018

Rode Uber Pool Express to UCSF Laurel Heights. Microsites work: NMR build: copy insertion (V6). Sprint standup. Microsites work: NMR, Wells. Lunch at desk: leftovers, water. Task followup. Troubleshot issues with alt tags not updating as expected, James H found the cause: crufty markup (we think). Continued reading from Richard Rutter's Web Typography. Grocery shopping at Bryan's and Cal-mart. Rode Uber Pool home. Dinner at home with Patrick: roast chicken breast salad with yellow beets. Watched Superstore s3:e21 and Will and Grace (1998) s8:e24 on Hulu Basic Plan with Patrick. Long nap. Woke at midnight and rode Uber Pool to the Castro arriving at 1 am. At Badlands I met Mike, Stephen G, Dennis the Menace, Edmund, Albert, Oliver. I talked mostly to Stephen. We talked about Florida, Disneyworld/Disneyland, Star Tours, Paul Reubens, books we are reading, YouTube, Muni, SF neighborhoods, and more. After Badlands closed we continued talking while walking in the Castro, meeting a probably-homeless man named Quincy. Rode UberX home. Late meal: beefaroni from a can.