Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Continuing cold symptoms, day 30. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Prepped new orgcharts for May 1. Sprint standup via Google Hangout. Lunch from Panda Express, ate in the courtyard in front of Kalmanovitz Library. Faculty and Lab Websites Policy Working Group meeting. Worked in the library. UCSF shuttle from UCSF Parnassus to Mission Center Building. Web Dev Web Pattern Library Workshop. Walked and rode Muni bus 22 to the Castro. Met Patrick outside of Cafe Flore, rereading from The Velvet Rage (dead tree version). We visited the farmer's market buying nothing, then walked in the Castro, stopping at Poesia for dinner: glass of rosso montefalco for Patrick, glass of vermentino for me, san pell for both. We shared the boat-shaped insalata aurora. Patrick got a special of the day: ossobuco with saffron risotto. I got branzino al cartoccio: Mediterranean sea bass baked in parchment paper with white wine, side of greens which I believe were pea shoots with some small tomato halves. For dessert we shared a delightfully light chocolate spuma with cayenne. We enjoyed our entire meal. Service by Sara L was excellent. $154.07 before a $29 tip. Afterwards we walked in the Castro stopping briefly at The Edge which was showing musicals but which also was too crowded so we left. The LGBT Museum had a community event that was well-attended but in which we weren't interested. Everywhere else was dead. We decided to get coffee at Cafe Flore and discovered that it has replaced its coffee bar with an alcohol bar. We were able to get coffee, but their espresso machine had broken, and they are still waiting to get a replacement. Afterwards we tried riding Uber then Lyft home but my payment wasn't being accepted, so Patrick ordered the ride on Lyft and we finally got home. I troubleshot my payment issue but found nothing I could resolve on my own.