Sunday, April 8, 2018

Continuing cold symptoms, day 14. Removed masking from yesterday's bathroom paint job and installed a new bathroom cabinet. Restored the bathroom electricity faceplates and cleaned. Disassembled the old bathroom cabinet and salvaged parts I thought might be useful later. Today I seem to have partly resolved a longstanding problem in Google Chrome in which Chrome is laggy or seems to freeze and the (mouse) pointer or cursor disappears for a long time. It happened frequently on certain sites, and for a long time I was unable to identify the source of the problem. The solution: in chrome://flags set Autoplay Policy to Default. I had had it on Document User Activation is Required. I had set this setting a long time ago to prevent annoying autoplay videos and did not realize that it causes this lag. The feature is still experimental, so hopefully Google is still resolving the bugs in it. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs creamy mushroom pasta (pappardelle), Alta Palla, bread and butter. Late snack: some pistachios and tortilla chips, Alta Palla.