Sunday, January 28, 2018

Slept in. Breakfast: leftover wor wonton soup. Vacuuming. Nap. Performed a sewing repair on my brown v-neck sweater which had been fraying at the bottom edge. Lunch at home with Patrick: mixed greens salad with kebob chicken, yellow beets, yellow tomatoes, avocado, and scallion dressing. Research to purchase one or more hygrometers. Recently the remote control on our Logitech Z906 speaker system stopped working reliably. I noticed today that if I pressed the volume down button normally it would not work as expected, but if I pressed it very hard it would work as expected. This gave me confidence to open it and see if it could be fixed. I found that a thin wire routing power was in close proximity to a metal edge for the opposite side of the power. I bent the wire so that it was further away. I reinserted the batteries and tested—it worked. I reassembled the whole device and retested—it worked. (Later I learned that it stopped working. See February 1.) Shower. Rode UberX with Patrick to the Castro. Dinner at Eureka with Chris G, Andy T, and Patrick. Patrick and I arrived early and got drinks at the bar: Manhattan for Patrick, Dark and Stormy for me. At the table, Chris and Patrick both had the jambalaya. Andy had the fried chicken. I had the pot roast. Dessert: we shared a chocolate chip bread pudding. Rode UberX home.