Thursday, October 5, 2017

Breakfast: one very large asian pear, one pint of hot water. Rode Uber Pool to UCSF Laurel Heights. Along the way, I continued watching Ryan Hamilton: Happy Face on Netflix downloaded video. Breakfast part 2: ham, egg, and cheddar on english muffin; water. Sprint standup. Chatted with Eric and James H about navigation and its behavior. We agreed to change our sites' primary nav to be click to expose menu and no longer to expose menu on hover along with a bunch of other nav changes. Identity retheme work. Completed tasks that I was unable to do when my Adobe license went missing for 10 days. Lunch: leftovers at desk while finishing Ryan Hamilton: Happy Face on Netflix downloaded video—very funny; I enjoyed it. Met with Susie and Eric to propose my idea for School of Pharmacy universal navigation on all our sites to help people jump from site to site more easily. UFD mini-retro meeting. Identity retheme work and task followup. Chatted with Michelle A about her lab website and the SMDC website builds. Rode Uber Pool home. Began rewatching Stranger Things s1:e7 "The Bathtub" via downloaded Netflix on my iPhone 6 Plus. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs roasted chicken salad with bacon and yogurt ranch dressing. Watched Will and Grace (1998) s1:e4 on Hulu with Patrick. Finished rewatching Stranger Things s1:e7 "The Bathtub" via downloaded Netflix on my MacBook Pro. Packed for vacation. Completed some legal paperwork.