Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Woke around 3:30 am, couldn't return to sleep until around 5:30 am. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Along the way I continued studying Spanish on Duolingo which I've been doing on and off over the past several months. Sprint standup. Breakfast from The View Cafe: fresh fruit; bacon, egg, and cheese on croissant, water. Chatted briefly with Stephanie H about alumni email forwarders and accounts. They are bringing the service in-house, and UCSF IT will manage it on the forthcoming Outlook 365 platform. Followup on student email address change request. Inbox cleanup. Microsites work: followup with Leslie F about a new fellowship program. Listserv management. Lunch: chinese pork bun, deli veggie summer rolls with dipping sauce, water. Met with Paula about orgchart and other changes to the Dean's Office web pages. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Mt. Zion. Orthotics appointment with Dr. Hewitson with Austin assisting. Rode Muni home. Read more of Ready Player One via iBooks along the way. Muni was awful today. To get from Geary and Divisadero to home on the 24 and the L took 75 minutes—shameful. The 24 wasn't bad, but at Castro Street Station when I arrived it said a train would arrive in 11 minutes, but it took 20 before I could board. A two-car L train passed but was too full for me to board. A second two-car L train passed but the second car was empty and did not allow passengers to board—also full. Dinner at home with Patrick: Blue Apron steakhouse salmon with thyme-sautéed potatoes, green beans and mushrooms; watermelon juice with a dash of sparkling apple juice.