Sunday, February 23, 2014

Replaced a light bulb. Breakfast at home: twice-fried potatoes, one egg sunny side up, two slices of flax seed bread from frozen, hot water. Prepared old electronics for disposal. Lunch: I made a salad with red baby lettuce, grated carrot, green and red cabbage, broccoli, diced apple, ranch dressing; hot water. Snack: Campbell's chicken noodle soup from a can. Unexpected nap. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: pot roast with vegetables, dinner roll with Earth Balance spread; stir-fried winter greens; Midori sodas with a dash of triple sec. Today I added microdata for the Recharge Spa website. Some parts were easy, and some parts were hard. I feel that there aren't enough representative examples of correct code, and it's not helpful for the page at to fail to link to Of particular difficulty was coding openingHours. I insist that my code validate, and I'd prefer that it passes the Google Structured Data Testing Tool, but even the examples provided won't pass validation or the testing tool. I found a different specification, but I don't know how much I can trust it, so I simply gave up on the hours part. Although I wanted to go outside today, I felt weary all day and was ultimately glad I did not. Troubleshot slow email sending problems, realized that my server number for Bluehost had changed and I had never updated my mail settings.