Friday, November 16, 2012

Listserv management. Updated the new team member checklist. Web edits: OSACA staff listing. PharmD homepage images setup. Troubleshot a problem with the color printer: it needs a new transfer roller and we don't have one, so Lisa will order it. Lunch from the cafeteria: hummus and falafel plate. Prepped for purchasing a new MacBook Air for work, spent some time negotiating with the JACS team because the 5-month-old MacBook Air was not yet listed, spent about 30 minutes on the phone with BearBuy help because of problems encountered during purchasing. Lesson learned: if you want to buy something from Apple through BearBuy, you need to use Internet Explorer for Windows (!). UC Ready work. Created a new emergency contact list for Planning and Communications. Chatted with John K about SSL wildcard certs. Computer training for Rick. Updated the new team member checklist. Prepped a spare UPS for Cindy. Asked DLS to swap Cindy's UPS. Asked DLS to upgrade Rick from Win XP to Win 7. Organized mail folders in Outlook 2010 for Windows. Management activities. New sites review and work in TeamWork. Management activities. Dinner at home with Patrick: veggie pizza on cornmeal crust. Nap.