Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Breakfast at home: lowfat yogurt with fresh, sliced, organic banana and Grandma Goodie's blueberry-apple granola. Began reading from CSS3 for Web Designers by Dan Cederholm. Rode Muni to work. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. Helped Lisa with a UNC path issue. Submitted a folder permissions change request for Rodney to DLS. Listserv management for Cindy. Spent a few hours troubleshooting and preparing a problem report for some student accounts that were deactivated accidentally (before they should have expired). Troubleshot a DVD drive problem for Lisa's new home laptop. Management activities. Created a resource account for the new shared office iPad. 5-minute lunch: Panda Bowl from Panda Express: eggplant with tofu and chow mein, water. My fortune: You will never need to worry about a steady income. Honors and awards tracking system launch meeting. Met 1-on-1 with Eric. We signed up for Asana today, one day before letting our HiTask subscription expire. Completed a draft of the new style reference, sent it to Susie for initial review. Listserv management for Cindy. Provisioned space for a new website for Nadav's team and submitted the DNS request to ITS. Sent Eric and Susie a followup reminder of our decision to let HiTask expire and to begin using Asana instead. Dinner at home with Patrick: same as yesterday. Watched The Simpsons "The Book Job" on Hulu with Patrick. Installed VMware Fusion 4 at home. Watched the video 3 times for "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People.