Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stretches, tennis ball massage. Weight training: advanced hip extensions, reverse crunch. Breakfast: a banana. Rode my bike to work. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. ICRD work for Rodney: added Michael W. Chatted with Susie about QBC content. Supp app project work in Drupal: import, issues with applicants who had paid but did not submit, created an account for Sarah. Listserv management. Found and delivered photos to Cindy and Shirin. Update from the Dean edits from Susie. Snack: a few grapes. Chatted with Nate online. Lunch: 2 tacos from Carmelina's. Afterwards I stopped at the bookstore to stock up on toothbrushes since the bookstore is closing permanently in October. Help desk committee meeting. Wrote and sent a clarification to current students about the new help desk. Snack: seaweed. Worked late. Rode my bike home. Dinner at home with Patrick: arugula and parm-reg ravioli in mushroom marinara with sweet yellow bell pepper, hot water. Dessert: leftover country peach pie with a small scoop of Breyer's vanilla ice cream. Did a little organizing of stuff.