Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SCWG meeting. Staff meeting. Web edits: copays. Helped 2 students set up wireless, fielded an email address change request, followup with Mark B about accounts automatically closing when they should not have. Lunch: butter leaf lettuce salad with grated carrot, organic heirloom tomato, lowfat bleu cheese dressing. Confirmed that P1s are on the intern jobs mailing list for Cindy. Small web edit for Joel about AP scores. Followup with Chris W and BTS about a new site they want to launch on our server. 1-on-1 with Cindy: web edits. Ordered computer books: Yahoo! Style Guide, LukeW's book about forms. Computer maintenance: Shirin, Lucia, me. Left work late, treated myself to dinner at You See Sushi.