Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Breakfast: one egg scrambled with diced tomato, turkey sausage patty, one hash brown with ketchup, hot water. Patrick and I walked and rode Muni to our new home where we met an electrician who helped us remove a chandelier and install a new chandelier (the West Elm three-light Champignon) and check or repair a few of the ceiling lights. While he and an assistant did that, Patrick and I tended to laundry and to storing various items that we delivered but did not yet unpack. Lunch specials with Patrick at Hulu Wa: black bean chicken with rice for Patrick, cashew chicken with rice for me. Green tea and hot and sour soup for both. After the soup course, Patrick's meal arrived first but then there was a minute or two before we could flag the waitron to request forks and napkins. She had brought the food but neglected to bring forks and napkins beforehand. Later the same thing happened to a woman seated at the table next to us. We took leftovers to go. Back to the new home. Laundry. Walked and rode Muni home. Rested. Dinner at home with Patrick: mahi mahi burgers and fries with ketchup, hot water. I removed more screws from walls and also removed cable raceway using a hair dryer. We watched Everybody's Live s1:e2 with John Mulaney on Netflix. Patrick went to bed. I washed dishes.