Sunday, June 23, 2024

Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cacao nibs, toasted shaved coconut, sliced and roasted almonds, diced half mango; hot water. Walked and rode Muni with Patrick to Stonestown Galleria: clothes shopping for me: everything was too big or they didn't have extra small sizes. We also looked at some womens sections for masculine-looking items but I found nothing worth buying. Lunch at Rooster and Rice. Walked and rode Muni home. Traffic along 19th Avenue was horrifying, so we rode the M bus to West Portal Station to the L bus to our neighborhood then walked the rest of the way home. Later I altered a rainbow stripe button-up short-sleeved shirt to make it less wide. It took about two hours. Had trouble with the bobbin case thread tension again. This time I turned it counterclockwise a bunch. Dinner at home with Patrick: tempeh and pineapple kebabs with side salad, water. Patrick also had 1.5 glasses of wine. I washed dishes while Patrick dried them. Patrick went to bed.