Saturday, July 29, 2023

Performed stretches good for the back. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, cacao nibs, toasted grated coconut, toasted sliced almonds, diced banana; hot water. Repainted wall switch plate screws. Performed knee-friendly quad-strengthening exercises while rewatching part of Oh, Hello on Netflix. Troubleshot problems with HomePod and HomePod mini. Patrick and I had more plans today, but it was overcast and cold outside, and after lunching on Patrick's leftover fried chicken and mac and cheese lunch from yesterday and attending Jeremy B's memorial service on YouTube I didn't much feel like doing anything but nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: falafel in pita with tahini sauce, feta, and veggies, water. Cocktail for Patrick only: margarita. Patrick went to bed. We cuddled a while. I arose and washed dishes. Late snack: one Gardein chick'n slider from frozen. Water to drink.