Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Insomnia last night (as every night now tho I might not mention it). I tried Eric's suggestion of listening to YouTube lectures from Gresham College to which he says he sleeps now within 5 minutes. I listened for 80 minutes. Unfortunately it did not help me sleep, but now I know a lot more than I did before about Britain's history in the mid-1600s. Patrick had washed last night's and this morning's dishes. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, toasted and slivered almonds, diced peach; water. Worked from home. All day: continued work migrating Zev's site. Midmorning snack with Patrick: we shared a Jane the Bakery elote turnover—delicious and spicy. Lunch: leftover pizza, water. Ran a distribution list test with Eric. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftovers, water. I washed dishes. Afterwards we watched America the Beautiful s1:e2 on Apple TV+. Patrick went to bed. Late small meal: medium salad with grated purple carrot and unroasted unsalted pumpkin seeds; water.