Friday, July 30, 2021

Ran in place to a rewatching of 1917 on Netflix DVD, this time the Sam Mendes commentary. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk and sliced banana; water. Sprint standup. Prepped white coat email invitations to send via listserv. Blue Sky comms expertise and capacity meeting. Continued and finished white coat invitations to send. Followup with Reanna S about Savic Lab identity. Lunch at home: leftover sandwich from yesterday's lunch, water. Met with Calpoison and Anne. Met with Anne. Telework proposal review meeting. Patrick prepared gumbo ya-ya for tomorrow night. Granted two more web editor permissions for Mandy M for Residencies. Filed a whitelist request for QBI. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftovers, water. I also had a glass of chardonnay. Chatted with Tina. Facetime wouldn't work so we switched to Zoom. We talked about gumbo, garlic bread, Cuisinart, Robot Coupe, Pacojet, Gavin Newsom, Chesa Boudin, the delta variant of COVID-19, Roy Choi, Padma Lakshmi, Warrior, avoiding Facebook and other social media, Alley 6 spiced peach liqueur and more. Deauthorized Code42 in order to get it to reconnect to its destination. I washed dishes. Late snack: half banana, water.