Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Ran Grand Canyon National Park Virtual Rim to River Run Down South Kaibab Trail 4k from Ooh Aah Point to a little past Skeleton Point (and the face) around 57:19. Breakfast at home: leftover yellow curry chicken with rice. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. 1:1 with Eric. Webadmin team meeting. Dean's Office page edits, people edits, and orgchart work for Susie. Theme work for QBC and grad programs on pharm. Revised my custom Orange shuttle schedule after Transportation reposted theirs with arrival times at Parnassus. Lunch: one clementine mandarin. Walked and rode Muni to a dentist appointment. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken parmigiana with spaghetti and toasted ciabatta. Recharge Medical email campaign work in Booker. This is the first time I'm trying to build a campaign in Booker, and it's disappointing compared to what Mailchimp offers, but Booker no longer offers integration with Mailchimp. The Booker tools are very limited: no way to change fonts, no way to edit source code directly, no way to add ordered or unordered lists, no way to create and use your own template—very primitive. Changed possibly compromised passwords that I was notified about by a report in my password manager.