Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Breakfast at home: leftover homemade minestrone, one murcott. Walked and rode Muni and BART to UC Berkeley for BADCamp Higher Education Summit in the Skillful Means Room at Dharma College (2222 Harold Way, Berkeley, CA). The panel called "Working: Together, Yet Apart" talked about remote work problems and solutions. Arizona University Digital Team presented their work processes. John K talked about Slack in "Slack Brings the UC System Together." Lunch sponsored by Pantheon was pizza and salad. Sponsor case study talks: Anthony R from Yeti who demoed superfast-loading headless Drupal sites (essentially no obvious page load time), someone from gave an intro to their services, and Joe C from Aten gave general project advice based on Aten's Stanford On- and Off-campus Learning Opportunities (SOLO) project. This year we did a new afternoon activity called Solution Room. Shawn D organized us into tables with a balance of high-confidence and low-confidence people and we just talked about problems and solutions. I thought it worked well. Lastly we broke into groups by organization. The UC group talked about SiteFarm's direction to moving to a template-only model. Consensus was that it was fine to move in this direction since that's how everyone seemed to be using it anyway. Afterwards we walked to Jupiter where we got drink tickets, ordered at the bar, and continued discussions in the upstairs room with a mediterranean appetizer spread. Walked and rode BART and Muni home. Dinner at home: sirloin and vegetables Chunky Soup, hot water.