Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Breakfast at home: leftover sushi, toasted everything bagel with whipped cream cheese and za'atar, one pint of hot water. Walked and rode Muni to Stonestown Galleria. Worked from my iPhone X while I waited for Apple Store to open. Calendar management. Responded to a request from Jaime K about SEO. Apple replaced the keyboard and the battery. Upon restart I noticed that it was extraordinarily slow, taking 20 minutes to fully load all my startup items when before the repair it would only take one or two minutes. I spent the next 90 minutes troubleshooting it, partly with an Apple Genius. We could not figure it out. I left thinking that I was going to reimage the computer from scratch and if it still had a problem it would be easy to drop off at Apple again possibly for a logic board replacement. Lunch in the food court at Ike's: menage a trois on French bread with everything ($14.32), water from Starbucks. Rode UberX to UCSF Laurel Heights. Intro to Google Analytics meeting with Eric and the CPCS team: Paul, Neliza, and, over Zoom, Cassandra. When I started my laptop at work, it seemed perfectly fine—no slowness. Responded to a request from Marissa about updating people profiles. Responded to a request from Michelle K about how to add a taxonomy index in her Confluence wiki. Ran lots of app updates for my computer, including Symantec. Began a full scan in Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP). Updated a link for Erin H for the Residencies microsite. Followup with Rebecca D about Nadav's appointment as director of PSPG. Notified QBI of a potential web security problem I discovered on their site. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: deluxe veggie quesadillas with side of refried beans, water. Dessert for Patrick only: Naia Tcho chocolate gelato with whipped cream from a can. To bed. Woke at 11:30 pm. Washed dishes. Recharge Medical web work: content editing followup. Continued troubleshooting slow MacBook Pro problems following the Apple keyboard repair. Late snack: one banana, one cup of leftover homemade minestrone.