Monday, September 16, 2019

Breakfast: granola with yogurt and blackberries, one pint of hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Got my free flu shot on the first day it became available. Spent the day continuing work on a #betterposter PowerPoint template. No lunch. Rode Uber Pool to SoMa. Met Patrick for couples counseling. Rode UberX to dinner at Il Casaro with Patrick: aperol spritz (with prosecco, soda, and orange) for Patrick, Carlito's Way (tequila, mirto, ginger beer, lime juice) for me. We shared an order of fagiolini (blue lake bean tempura) and a broccoli and salsiccia white sauce pizza (with mozzarella, broccoli rabe, italian sausage, and provolone). While we dined I discovered a small shard of glass at the bottom of my water glass before it presented any risk to my health. We reported it to the manager, and we weren't concerned since it was caught before anything bad had happened. He was very apologetic and later in the meal we were told along with another apology that we could have dessert for free. It wasn't necessary, but we partook anyway and chose the tiramisu. $51.27 not counting the free dessert before a $10 tip. At the start of the meal there was some confusion because Patrick and I each received slightly different menus but this too did not present a significant problem, and we weren't concerned about it. Otherwise the meal was perfect. Service by Louise S was excellent. We'll return sometime soon, I hope. Rode Muni home. Patrick went to bed. I continued playing The Witness on my iPad Pro. Resolved broken links for Lodestar.