Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Breakfast at home: mini tortilla with fried egg, mixed cheeses, diced onion and bell pepper, and diced parsley and chives; one pint of hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Spent 90 minutes in support chat with Mailchimp trying to resolve a problem with RSS campaign delivery. Calpoison project document review. Lunch at desk: leftover lasagne. Began making versions of Mike Morrison's Better Poster for UCSF School of Pharmacy and UCSF. Afternoon team celebration: a birthday. We talked about ice cream and ice cream flavors, eating three pints of ice cream per week, children drinking water from puddles, The Mighty Boosh, Anchorman, The Wild Chef, MeatEater, BART, commutes, bicycling, and more. Helped Julie E resolve a PowerPoint template/theme problem for Ellie V. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home by myself: I prepared breaded fish fillets and onion rings, both from frozen, with brown rice and quinoa from a pouch; one pint of hot water. Pre-dessert: one red Twizzler. Patrick arrived home after dinner with his mom. Dessert with Patrick: devil's food cake. Continued playing The Witness on my iPad Pro. Inspected water levels on the orchids. Washed dishes. Pantry organization.