Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Breakfast at home: leftover steamed white rice with teriyaki sauce with leftover peas, one granny smith apple, 12 ounces of hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights, stopping along the way at Cal-Mart for snacks. Read part of CSS Layout News. Siteimprove policy work. Styling work. 1:1 with Eric. Webadmin meeting. Lunch at desk: leftover lasagne, one Australian minneola tangelo. Finished reading CSS Layout News. Followup with Calpoison team about analytics. Identified a misspelling in a working title for a staff member and reported the problem to Diana K for resolution. Submitted a request to IT to change some tiny.ucsf.edu links that had broken due to an issue with The Archive. Created groups for departments and units in Siteimprove. Walked and rode Muni home. Washed dishes. Dinner at home with Patrick: Bon Appetit's Adam's beef stroganoff over egg noodles, Hint water for me, San Pell for Patrick. Washed dishes. Dessert: Naia almond and orange blossom gelato, one Anna's Swedish Thin (almond) each. Recharge Medical web work: edited and published the hours page. Late snack: three smokehouse almonds, a few more Swedish thins.