Thursday, July 11, 2019
Breakfast: one green apple, dried fruit, one pint of hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Followup with Lucia on the file share problem—both she and I get a permission denied error when attempting to move a folder to its previous location. I followed up with Ryan P at IT via Slack. Read the dead tree summer 2019 edition of UCSF Magazine. It was very pretty to read, but maybe half of it I had previously read online. Followup with Jennifer C about the WIHS website which she wants to make unavailable. Lots of task followup in Asana. Siteimprove work: http to https updates on pharm. Walked and rode Muni home, stopping at Arizmendi along the way. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftovers. Watched Stranger Things s3:e3 on Netflix instant watch and a few clips on YouTube with Patrick.