Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Breakfast at home with Patrick: yogurt with diced apple, sliced nuts, and dried fruit; 8 ounces of orange juice. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Met with Joel and Kim about web requests: restructuring communications flow for prospective students into an info-gathering system, adding a Get Info button to Joel's blog, changing the course schedule change form from paper-and-pdf-based to online in Qualtrics (they said yes, they can start looking into it). UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Lunch: dried fruit, seaweed snack. Continued converting old documents from PDF to HTML. Errand: flowers from Cal-Mart. Walked and rode Muni to 15th Avenue House. I arrived early and chatted with Drew over cold dinner rolls and a rye cosmo, which I enjoyed. I brought flowers and a bottle of petite sirah. Dinner with Danny, Drew, Phil, Paul, Steven, and David. Steven brought flowers as well as four pounds of crab claws, which we enjoyed with various sauces. Also served: a spicy curry-carrot soup, two kinds of meat lasagne, garlic noodles, corn off the cob with peas and cherry tomatoes, twice-baked potatoes with cheddar. Dessert: Steven also brought a delicious, not-too-sweet chocolate cake from Casa de Chocolates. Rode UberX home.