Thursday, May 23, 2019
Breakfast at home: yogurt with fruit and nuts, two pints of hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Sprint standup. Taxonomy cleaning. Posted an update to a news story for Levi. Markup cleaning. Walked and rode Muni home, stopping at the corner florist at 19th and Quintara for some tulips—3 bunches for $10, a total of 15 flowers. Dinner at home with Patrick: tacos with fixins, Hint for both, red wine for me. Patrick took a bath after I cleaned the tub. I washed dishes and tidied, putting into service a new set of six 20-ounce, square Duralex bowls with lids. Dessert: Patrick had a peanut butter cup and hot cocoa. I had a few bites of San Francisco's Hometown Creamery bananas foster ice cream. Pantry organization.