Friday, March 1, 2019
Walked to breakfast at Antigua Cafe with Patrick: breakfast bagel sandwich no veggies and latte for Patrick, breakfast burrito with avocado and english breakfast tea for me. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Sprint standup, during which I got roped in to committing to read Dune as part of a team book club, later buying a Kindle version after discovering that sneeper had given away all his dead tree editions of his science fiction and fantasy collection. Converted the IRC microsite from a multipage microsite to a one-page microsite and unpublished some unused pages for Rodney. Sent an html email for Susie and Eric. Began testing rss-to-email campaign in Mailchimp. Late lunch at desk from The View Cafe: veggie california sandwich on whole wheat, water from my water bottle. Junk email management. Siteimprove work. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: spring vegetable risotto with zucchini and peas, water with lemon. Afterwards we Watched Star Trek: Discovery s2:e7 on CBS All Access. Spent several hours troubleshooting network problems.