Friday, March 30, 2018

Continuing cold symptoms, day 5, work holiday. Breakfast at home with Patrick: oatmeal with fixins, water, instant espresso (Cafe Bustelo). Recharge Medical work: edits. Lunch at home with Patrick: almond butter and jelly sandwiches, chai. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs pan-seared salmon with kale, beans, and yogurt sauce; red wine and water for Patrick, water for me. Dessert: dark chocolate bar with cherry. Watched part of Wargames (1983) on Netflix DVD with Patrick and microwave popcorn. Cast iron skillet maintenance: (a) remove fish smell by heating on stovetop at medium heat for 15 minutes and (b) reseason (simple method) by placing it over medium heat and wiping out the pan with coats of vegetable oil until its surface turns dark and shiny—both via Cook's Illustrated.