Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Breakfast at home: one egg scrambled with two sausage links from frozen and a slice of sharp cheddar on Firebrand sourdough batard, 1.5 pints of water, 8 ounces of apple cherry cider. Rode Uber Pool to UCSF Laurel Heights. Microsites work: Calpoison. 1-on-1 with Eric. Lunch: leftovers from yesterday's lunch. Today I brought my folding bicycle in (via the Uber Pool car's trunk) to give to Grant who is thinking about buying it. I showed him how to unfold and fold it, and Eric joined us when we took it for a test drive. Grant likes the bike a lot, so it seems he plans to buy it. In the afternoon I met with Cindy, Susie, and Eric to discuss the curriculum chart draft which Cindy didn't like, so I began working on a new design. Rode Uber Pool home. Dinner at home with Patrick: pizza margherita with fiore di latte and Sonoma County Meat Company sweet italian sausage and fresh basil, side of mediterranean herb salad, red wine, san pell.