Friday, October 28, 2016
Recharge Medical work: November news build. Rode Uber POOL to work. Sprint standup. Answered a question about the PDF producer field in PDFs for Rick. Web updates: OEIS, OEIS orgchart draft. Chatted with Michelle about Mailchimp. Cleaned up an old task about Marissa and notable pubs. CP orgchart work. Changed the name of ProPEPS to PrOPEPS. Microsite work: general followup. Prepped closure and closure announcement of some dbts sites. Achieved inbox zero. Finally. Eric and I rode Uber to SoMa for David's surprise party that Melinda had arranged. Amber met us there. I met Victoria, Nona, Houston, Bob, John, Killian (from Facebook), Elizabeth, Deb. Rabbits Pixel and Monty hopped about during the party. An enjoyable evening. Walked to OMG for Club Lonely, met Jessica (who was a worker there but not working tonight), had a few drinks and danced for a while before riding Lyft home.