Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Breakfast at home: english muffin with coconut spread, one granny smith apple, chai tea with milk and SweetLeaf, 8 ounces of orange juice. Sam gave me a ride to UCSF Parnassus. Encountered Peter W then Wayne. Continued studying Spanish on Duolingo. UCSF Communicators' Conference, which provided lunch. Chatted briefly with Kemi A, Kevin E, and others. I thought all of the speakers were terrific. There were a lot of sound problems, but something to learn from for next year, I guess. The Mediterranean lunch was delicious: pita, hummus, tzatziki, baklava, chicken breast, and more. Chatted briefly with staff in the OSACA. Rode Uber Pool to the Castro: $6.18. Met Patrick at Castro Theatre where we attended a 5:00 PM screening of Absolutely Fabulous. We ate popcorn and soda, which turned out to be dinner. Afterwards we got a slice of pizza each at Oz. Rode UberX home: $12.53. I didn't enjoy the film as much as Patrick did.