Thursday, April 17, 2014

Breakfast at home: lowfat mixed berry granola with unsweetened soy milk. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Listserv management. Resolved broken links for QBC and grad programs sites for Rebecca. Susie drove us to Parnassus. WCWG lunch meeting, salmon sandwich. Susie drove us back to Laurel Heights. Extra sandwich: roast turkey. Resolved broken links for QBC and grad programs sites for Rebecca. Eric helped me rebase a git branch in preparation for continuing on style changes suggested by Robin. Edited a PDF file for CIndy. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: hearty greens salad with blue cheese dressing, tuna mac and cheese with fixins. Watched Archer season 3 episodes 1 and 2 on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Dessert: Jacuzzi aleatico 2010, fresh strawberries dipped in cocoa and spices, leftover orange sticks without chocolate coating, praline Ritter Sport.