Friday, March 15, 2013

Breakfast: oatmeal with fresh, diced apple, cinnamon, soy milk. Continued 2nd-pass editing Patrick's first 100 pages of a new book: pages 86 to 88. Rode my bike to UCSF Parnassus. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Image prep: iPQB hero. Reported phishing to ITS. Submitted a request to John K: upgrade Link module from 1.0 to 1.1. Uploaded a PDF to The Archive for Susie. Followup with Shirin about social media: admit status. Calendar management. Updated the academic calendar for Cindy. Confirmed Link 1.1 update. Chatted with Lisa briefly about 23andme. Grad ceremony page edits for Danielle. Attempted to make updates to pharmchem but I don't have access, working with Walter S to resolve. Listserv management, legal name change work, same-or-similar name problem work. Followup with Tran about a monitor sleeping problem for Rick. Posted updated schedules for Lucia. Prepped a DNS change request: bmi. Walked to 9th and Irving. Lunch at Arizmendi Bakery: two pizza slices, lemonade, chocolate chip cookie, about $9. Stopped briefly at my dentist's office and chatted with Ada about hours. Walked back to work. Management activities. Followup with John M about tech reqs. Attempted to use BearBuy to purchase a new computer but received an error: "The part numbers listed below cannot be added to the cart. Please ensure these are valid Apple part numbers and that your account has authorization to purchase them. MC965LL/A" Troubleshot mounting problems with a USB drive used by Shirin. Web edits for Joel: reg fee deposit form. Rode my bike home. Dinner at home with Patrick: sausage pizza with side salad, brother thelonious belgian-style abbey ale. Dessert: leftover chocolate chip cookie, Green and Black's hot chocolate with whipped cream. To bed earlyish.