Friday, March 7, 2008

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Listserv management. /go/intl updated for Joel. Blackberry survey followup. Met with Lucia, InDesign, schedules. Reposted a schedule for Lucia. Linkchecking. Tested Apple Mail with UCSF Exchange. I got Exchange protocol working but incoming only. Nothing I tried would permit me to send. Chatted briefly with Joel and Kathy. Leftovers lunch for me in the workroom with Eric. Set up an old computer and new monitor in Joel's old office. Met 1-on-1 with Eric. On the way home, I took a photo of a Girl Scout who was dressed in empty girl scout cookie boxes. Home. Dinner at home with Patrick: bacon-topped ravioli in cheddar cheese sauce over bed of mixed greens, dinner roll. Watched Ocean's Thirteen on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Mozy for Mac did a brain fart on me today. I restarted my iMac and now Mozy shows nothing in Backup History and there's nothing available to restore. I sent a message to Mozy support. I suspect a problem with the spline reticulation and/or the manifest. Installed Brian Toth's Apple Address Book plug-in which connects to Google Maps. Most of the addresses I tested it was unable to find properly in Google Maps.